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Kindergarten 幼儿园

Kindergarten program provides a transition between the informal learning in the home and the more formal educational programs and services, primarily focusing on instructing each student at his/her stage of development. 

Special Needs Education 特殊教育

Special needs education is designed for those students who are mentally, physically, socially and/or emotionally delayed. It adapts content, teaching methodology and delivery instruction to meet the appropriate needs of each child. 

Neurofeedback Treatment 脑电波治疗

For scholastic performance, social skills, attention deficit or hyperactivity; neurofeedback can help your kids fully develop and achieve their best. It addresses the foundations of learning; a balanced and organised brain can process and remember information more easily. Improved mental performance and ability to pay attention equals better learning; reducing stress develops better test results, and calming emotional and behavioural issues improves social interactions.

Brain Gym Exercise 健脑操

Brain gym exercise is simple tasks that help to stimulate brain activity and keep the mind engaged. It helps to engage and strengthen core muscles, brain exercises stimulate blood flow to the brain and increase oxygen supply to the brain. Brain gym exercise releases stress, enhances learning and development while effectively engaging the brain.

One-to-one Tuition 一对一教学

One-to-one tuition offers private tutoring to students of all ages and grade levels. All our tutors are college-educated and well-versed in the local school district curriculum that your child is learning in class.



Irlen Test

The Erlen Method is a patented technique which uses precision tinted filters, worn as glasses (or coloured overlays), to reduce or eliminate perception difficulties and light sensitivity. 



+ Improved reading accuracy

+ Better comprehension
+ Increased reading speed
+ Reduced strain and fatigue
+ Improved academic performance
+ Improved self-esteem

+ Better sports performance

+ More effective study time

Hair Analysis

Hair Analysis is a scientific test, that measures the mineral content of the hair. A small sample of hair from the scalp is sampled and sent to a licensed laboratory for analysis. A sophisticated  equipment at the laboratory accurately measure and identifies the amount of minerals in the hair.

Overcome the following through the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: 

+ Fatigue

+ Lethargy
+ Poor stamina
+ Mood swings
+ Muscle pains
+ Digestion problem

+ Skin, sleeping and hair problems

+ Migraine
+ Loss of energy
+ Thyroid dysfunction
+ Bone & joint problems
+ Poor focus

Child Psychology Assessment

A psychological assessment evaluates thinking, learning and behaviour. The assessment may include interviews, observation, testing and consultation with other professionals involved in your child’s care. Testing includes pencil and paper tasks, puzzles, drawing, and games.


The assessment covers many skill areas, such as:

+ General intellectual level

+ Language
+ Memory and learning
+ Problem solving, planning & organization
+ Fine motor skills
+ Visual spatial skills

+ Academic skills (reading, math, spelling, writing)

+ Behaviour and emotions


Counselling gives the child the opportunity to talk about how they feel without the fear of judgement. Speaking to a counsellor, away from their home and school life, can take away some of the pressure. Counselling offers a safe environment for children to express their feelings and understand what may have caused them to feel this way.

Common child-related issues that can be managed with the support of a counsellor include:

+ Bullying
+ Learning difficulties
+ Behavioural problems
+ Depression and anxiety
+ Bereavement/loss
+ Attachment disorder
+ Separation anxiety

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